
Nelson Mercado

February 22, 2025

Join us for a discussion on the principles that can help us understand the complexities of the LGBTQ+ movement and its impact on families and the church. This message is based on the book "The Present Truth and the LGBTQ+ Movement: Understanding the Dangers of Affirmation while Acting Redemptively."

Nelson Mercado

February 8, 2025

Satan has been actively spreading a false narrative about how God created humanity. There is a saying that goes, "Repeat a lie often enough, and it becomes the truth." What is this lie, and how does it relate to the "Present Truth" Message?

Sherman Cox II

February 1, 2025

Sometimes we find ourselves on the mountaintop, while other times we are in the valley. In this sermon, we will explore the themes of perseverance, hope, and trust in divine power. No matter how challenging the journey, God is always at work. It isn't over until God says it’s over.

Kelvin Del Valle

January 25, 2025

Where does our strength come from in this chaotic world? Find out as we look at the story of King David's missed step.

Teryna Edwards

January 18, 2025

On any given day, it is the Lord Jesus who choreographs a grand restart in your life’s journey. He is ready to do a new thing in your life. But you need to be ready to make the trip.